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Cecelia Ramsdale | EM Voices


Cecelia Ramsdale’s voice is flexible, warm and friendly, but equally sophisticated and authoritative, and she’s fun to work with!

Leaning on years of training and experience behind the mic, she quickly and accurately nails a script, finding the nuance required for that particular message and can easily skip from a natural style commercial read to a formal explainer to a tv narration to a character voice.

She is equally at home narrating a book as she is with recording a quick 15 second commercial or hosting a podcast.

With an audio producing background, Cecelia records quality audio from her home studio and uses Source Connect weekly to work with clients world-wide.

For years she has created a range of character voices and most recently was cast as the monkey Nia for the popular Youtube Animated series ‘Crayola Scribble Scrubbies‘.

Cecelia can be heard all over ARN’s Gold FM Melbourne and WSFM Sydney on promos, whenever she hears herself she says to her kids ‘She sounds nice.’! (they roll their eyes!) But she still gets a kick out of hearing it every time and loves being the most non famous person on radio!

With over 20 audiobooks narrated you can listen to hours of her story telling by searching ‘Cecelia Ramsdale’ on Audible.

In these books she’s created voices for historical characters, teenagers, cats, owls and dogs, murders, bikies and heroines, she relishes a challenge.

As a full time voice actor, she’s a busy lady but is always ready to pivot for a last minute record for you.

You can listen to past projects and check out her podcast hosting work www.ceceliaramsdalevoice.com/work

Cecelia Ramsdale
Melbourne, Home Studio

Cecelia Ramsdale | EM Voices

Additional Demos

  • Acting

  • Character

  • Podcast Hosting

  • Corporate

  • Promos

  • Radio Imaging

  • Retail

  • Young Mum

  • Audiobook samples - Adult

  • Audiobook samples - Children's


  • Gender:
  • Accent:
    British, US various, International, European, French, Italian, German
  • Languages:
  • Age Range:
    40-50, Teen, 20-30, 30-40
  • Talent Range:
    Commercial, Non-Commercial/Narration, Promos, Characters, Accents, Singing
  • Website(s):
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