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Professional voice over | Em Voices

Why use professional voice overs?

EM Voices is Australia’s most successful, exclusive voice over artist agency using only the best professional voice overs in Australia. Its well-earned reputation as the most friendly, professional and high-quality agency has been achieved by pursuing three simple disciplines;

Employing the hardest working, most approachable and responsive team of
agents and staff, and Sustaining a singular focus on one thing – the business of
voice overs.

The company represents Australia’s most exceptional professional voices, including high-profile actors who excel in a wide range of styles, ages, accents, characters and languages. Whether clients are looking for a warm and friendly voice for a commercial or a dramatic voice for a narration, EM Voices has the talent to deliver. The management team at EM Voices is deeply passionate about the world of voice overs, allowing them to provide expert guidance and support to both artists and clients.

The management team live and breathe voice overs. They are not distracted by
representing anyone other than talented, professional voice artists. EM Voices
staff understand the field intimately and service hundreds of customers in a
friendly and constructive manner every day.

If you’re looking for a professional voice over above the rest, contact us for a free quote and we’ll direct you to the most suited voice for your campaign or project.

At EM Voices, we give you direct access to Australia's top voice talent.

Customer stories



Get a free consultation today!

Our Agents are always available to assist you with your project and answer any questions for you.  Call us today for an obligation free quote and preliminary casting suggestions.